
Sage Green Mood


Creating art is my passion and essential to my being. It defines the world around me and myself. I create to explore my spirituality, my sense of self, and the wonders I have seen in life.

I work in oil on canvas or pencil, colored pencil, gouache, and watercolor on paper. The works are divided in categories: Nudes/Celestial Beauties, Empathy Series, Faces, Views,  and Nature.

Nudes/Celestial Beauties:  An exploration of the female form as movement, grace, sensuality, and as an empowered and exquisite entity. Many of the works are related to mythology, nature and the elements.

Empathy Series These works are based on photos or videos I see on social media that are often injustices to children -usually related to involvement of our government, or other horrors in the world.

Faces: For me, a painting of someone should convey all that is positive in that person – strength, dignity, sorrow, joy, empathy and what makes that person unique.

Views   All the places I have been, that may be exotic, colorful and/or carry a sense of mystery, anything that fascinates me.  Travel is a big passion for me and my husband, and it’s a favorite for me to paint and for him to photograph. You can check out his website here: www.lloydgcpix.com

Nature  Nature provides me with a sense of centering, peace and harmony.

I welcome inquiries regarding exhibition opportunities and possible purchases.